WooCommerce: Alter Payment Gateway Instructions on the Thankyou page

The WooCommerce thank you page displays default instructions  for a payment type, here’s an image showing the text that is displayed when an order has been paid using the “Cash on delivery” payment method. If you’re looking to change or remove this text it can be done without changing any code, if you want to … Read more

A Guide to the woocommerce_thankyou Action

Have you ever wanted to add a custom message or some bespoke functionality to the “thank you” WooCommerce page that appears after a customer has paid for and checked out their order? If you have then the woocommerce_thankyou action is probably exactly what you are looking for. In this blog post we’ll take a look … Read more

do_action and add_action in Woocommerce and WordPress

It’s quite hard to give an easy to understand definition of what do_action and add_action do, so I’m just going to launch straight into some code and hopefully, the purpose of the two methods will become clear reasonably quickly. Here’s a very simple example of do_action do_action(“display_some_numbers”); If we add the code above to a … Read more